
中国大陆、香港、澳门均可使用的 3GB/天 eSIM无限流量卡 - 支持3G/4G/5G网络 | 极速便捷激活的数据计划


3.00 GB
1 天
$7.98 USD
评分: 4.5 分
25 评价





Hong Kong (China)/HK



Country Logo  中国香港
3 5G
SmarTone 5G
csl 5G
Country Logo  中国大陆
China Mobile 4G
China Mobile 5G
China Unicom 5G
China Unicom 4G
Country Logo  中国澳门
3 4G
  • 固定流量: 一定时间范围内的有限的数据使用量。
  • 每日计划(有限制): 每日无限流量,但超过高速数据上限后会被降速至2G速度,介于 255 Kbps 和 512 Kbps 之间,高速数据限额将每天午间被重置。
  • 每日重置(固定流量): 每日固定高速流量使用完就不可再使用。
  • 每日无限使用: 完全无限制的每日高速流量使用。
  • 安装方式: 扫描二维码或者手动输入激活码
  • 兼容设备: 请点击以下链接查看您的 智能手机是否兼容 eSIM卡
  • 交付时间: 一般情况下,购买后会在2~10分钟内通过邮件发送至您预留的Eamil地址,若长时间未收到eSIM二维码邮件,请联系我们的支持团队 [email protected]

南随着粤港澳大湾区的蓬勃发展,中国大陆、香港和澳门三地正逐渐融合为一个充满活力的旅游热点。从北京的古老城墙到香港的摩天大楼,从澳门的历史遗迹到广州的岭南文化,这片区域的每一处都散发着独特的魅力。对于穿梭于三地的旅客来说,保持网络连接,随时分享旅途中的所见所闻,是不可或缺的一部分。 在这里,我们为您介绍一款创新的eSIM上网卡:中国大陆(香港澳门)3GB/天。这不仅仅是一张流量卡,它是您畅游三地的智能伴侣,是您在这片充满机遇的土地上保持连接的纽带。无论您是在北京的故宫博物院感受皇家气派,还是在香港的太平山顶俯瞰繁华都市,亦或是在澳门的历史城区探寻葡式风情,我们的eSIM上网卡都能为您提供稳定、高速的网络服务。


eSIM 是什么?

eSIM 是一种嵌入式的电子SIM卡,它属于虚拟数字卡,它允许用户随时随地远程激活电信运营商的蜂窝数据而无需使用实体SIM卡,这种微型芯片可以直接嵌入到您的任何电子设备中,比如智能手机、平板电脑、智能手表或智能汽车;eSIM 可以说是一项新兴科技,这一项技术最早是由苹果公司于2011年提出的,现如今已被日本、韩国、美国等先进国家广泛使用。它与传统的SIM卡不同,简单来说,eSIM是一个数据文件,可通过网络下载到移动终端。功能上和普通SIM卡无异,有了它,各种电子产品就能连接上网、接播电话、发短信等。并且eSIM可以存储多个配置文件,也就是说,通过eSIM,一部手机可以同时安装多个电话号码(1~20个),可以无缝切换不同的网络提供商。具体详细解释,可查阅:百度百科eSIM卡。




1. 检查您设备的 eSIM 兼容性

2. 购买您的 eSIM 套餐计划

3. 安装 eSIM

4. 激活使用 eSIM

为什么选择 Seek eSIM?

Seek Esim 智能通信为每一位出行的人提供了更快速、便捷、经济实惠的 eSIM 数据流量服务以及丰富的数字产品。与其他 eSIM 服务商相比,Seek eSIM 以其遍布全球的覆盖范围、人性化的套餐选择和亲民的价格脱颖而出。Seek eSIM 安装激活步骤简单,多语言真人客服全年在线提供支持,确保您在旅途中可以享受到自由、快速、稳定的网络连接。Seek Esim — 超越通信,让数字服务触手可及!


Seek eSIM 让您在旅途中尽享实惠稳定、畅通无阻的网络

中国 eSIM卡 常见问题解答



我是否需要额外安装 VPN,才能在中国使用及浏览 WhatsApp、Line、Facebook、Instagram 等应用程序和社交媒体?

我的 Seek eSIM卡 会被降低网速吗?

如何选择 eSIM卡 的网络配套?


如果我不小心删除或找不到 eSIM卡 的二维码,该怎么办?


Seek eSIM卡 的网速有多快?

我可以保留我的 WhatsApp 号码吗?

我什么时候会收到我的 eSIM 套餐计划?

哪些设备可以使用 eSIM卡?

我可以使用 Seek eSIM卡 拨打电话和发送短信吗?


Seek Esim 是我的最佳选择吗?



我可以同时使用我的实体 SIM卡 和 Seek eSIM卡 吗?

如果我用完了我的 Seek eSIM卡 配套,我可以删除它吗?



我应该在什么时候安装我的 eSIM卡?


我可以更新或延长使用 eSIM卡 的数据流量吗?


计划出现变动?这算不了什么!选择 Seek Esim,您尽可放心。立即购买,还能享受6个月的退款保障。若是想要更改主意,也完全不必担忧,一切轻松简单。


SeekEsim 提供了一个无与伦比的解决方案,让您无论身在何处都能享受到最佳的本地连接。这意味着,无论您的旅行将您带到哪里,您都可以依赖SeekEsim来保持连接,使用所有您喜爱的应用程序,保持生产力和娱乐性,无需担心网络兼容性或漫游费用。SeekEsim,让您的数字生活更加自由、灵活、健康。

------ 可持续发展 ------


旅行时带上 Seek Esim,可彻底告别塑料制品:使用eSIM卡,可以减少实体 SIM卡 在生产、包装和分发过程中对环境和身体健康造成的负面影响。


  • Martineznlt

    Jul 31

    Seek eSIM, a new choice for traveling. Strong signal, fast internet, recommended!

  • nhqpad

    Oct 08

    The after - sales service of the Seek eSIM international data is so great. During my overseas trip, no matter what problems I encountered, they were solved in time. I didn't have to worry about anything.

  • hgdcf

    Apr 22

    Seek eSIM is stress-free and effortless. No more searching for local SIM cards. Set up in advance, use directly when traveling, super stable signal!

  • bfcj

    Jul 16

    Seek eSIM is a lifesaver for international communication! No need to change cards, with stable signal, fast internet, and affordable plans. It's easy to stay in touch with family and friends. Highly recommended!

  • ndacbx

    Jun 05

    作为一名环保活动家,我经常需要在不同的地方组织和参与环保活动。Seek eSIM的高速网络让我能随时随地接入互联网,查找环保资料和分享活动信息。无论是在非洲的自然保护区,还是在亚洲的环保社区,Seek eSIM都能提供稳定的网络,让我能及时与同行和志愿者沟通。而且,它的数据套餐灵活,让我能根据实际需求购买,既经济又实用。Seek eSIM,让我的环保活动更加高效!

  • qdlrzow

    Sep 11

    这个Seek eSIM,让我在世界各地都能正常用网,很实用。

  • rlb

    Jul 12

    Seek eSIM international data is incredibly powerful! It supports data sharing across multiple devices. Your phone, tablet, and laptop can all use it, ensuring that everyone in your family can stay online with just one card.

  • yhrxa

    Feb 09

    Seek eSIM company is great! The eSIM card and data package are both super easy to use. They enable me to surf the internet abroad with ease and without any worries about data usage. I'm so excited!

  • vkezdfh

    May 21

    Seek eSIM is an essential communication tool for traveling. Stable signal, fast internet, no need to change cards, making travel more relaxed and enjoyable!

  • Poolck

    Jan 30

    Going to Hong Kong and using Seek eSIM's eSIM card and data packages is like giving your phone a 'mobile home.' You don't have to worry about your phone 'wandering' anymore, haha.

  • otucukq

    Feb 15

    Using Seek eSIM in Hong Kong, the network is smooth, the data is at your disposal, and the price is fair. It's worth having!

  • Youngoou

    Jun 26

    Oh, using Seek eSIM in Hong Kong for travel, the network is flying, and the data packages are super flexible. Use as much as you want, and don't feel bad about spending money. This operation is more refreshing than buying discounted goods in Hong Kong!

  • vnnvbmxk

    Jan 27

    During my time in Hong Kong, Seek eSIM's eSIM card and data packages were always with me. They allowed me to record the beautiful moments of my journey at any time and share them with my distant relatives, and this friendship, I will always cherish.

  • ieopqur

    Jan 04

    Seek eSIM's eSIM card and data packages were the most beautiful encounters of my Hong Kong trip. With their thoughtful service, I felt the warmth of home in a strange city. Use as much as you want, no waste, and the prices are also very reasonable. I sincerely recommend it to everyone.

  • Wilsonuk

    Oct 28

    I work in the financial industry and often have to travel to Hong Kong for business. In the past, I always worried that the poor signal would delay my work. Since I started using Seek eSIM's eSIM card, this problem has been solved. The signal is stable, and even in areas with many high-rise buildings, it can maintain a good network connection. The data packages can be used as much as you want, and there is no need to worry about overspending. Once, I was waiting for a flight at the Hong Kong airport and used Seek eSIM's network to handle some urgent work, successfully completing the task. Since then, Seek eSIM has become my essential tool for business trips.

  • Robinsonqfh

    Oct 09

    Seek eSIM removes communication barriers when traveling! Activate in advance and use it directly. With full signal, fast internet, and cost-effective plans, staying in touch is easy. Highly recommended!

  • Scottbv

    Nov 08

    Seek eSIM makes international travel more enjoyable! With no card changes, good signal, fast internet, and cost-effective plans, communication is worry-free. I can share travel moments with ease. Highly recommended!

  • Lewisv

    Mar 01

    Seek eSIM eliminates communication anxiety when traveling! Activate in advance and use it directly. With full signal, fast internet, and cost-effective plans, staying in touch is easy. Highly recommended!

  • kosa

    Jul 30

    Seek eSIM is the perfect companion for international communication! No card changes, stable signal, fast internet, and affordable plans. It's easy to stay connected and manage travel plans. Highly recommended!

  • Gonzalezu

    Sep 15

    作为一名热爱旅行的人,Seek eSIM的国际流量套餐简直是我的救星!每次出国,我都担心网络问题,但Seek eSIM让我在180多个国家都能保持无缝连接,网速快得惊人,价格还非常合理。再也不用担心漫游费用和频繁更换SIM卡的麻烦了。Seek eSIM,让我的每一次旅行都更加自由和便捷!

  • Brownp

    May 05

    Seek eSIM国际流量,出国上网无忧!

  • ljpacykh

    Oct 29

    我是一名天文观测者,经常在偏远地区进行观测。Seek eSIM的稳定网络让我能随时记录和分享观测数据。无论是在沙漠中的天文台,还是在高山上的观测点,Seek eSIM都能保持高速连接,让我能及时与同行交流观测结果。而且,它的数据套餐灵活,让我能根据实际需求购买,既经济又实用。Seek eSIM,让我的天文观测更加高效!

  • bpui

    Aug 28

    不管是网络的稳定性,还是切换的流畅度,Seek eSIM都表现出色,而且价格也很合理,性价比超高。

  • rvbnytn

    Dec 05

    登上高山,本以为网络会很差,结果Seek eSIM的信号依然很强,我还能和山下的朋友视频通话,分享山顶的美景,太惊喜了。

  • dasjf

    Oct 18

    在异国他乡,Seek eSIM如同一束光,照亮了我的网络世界。
