
美国畅行无忧500MB/天 eSIM上网卡 - 3G/4G/5G全覆盖 | 简单激活,无限流量,畅游美国


500.00 MB
1 天
$1.81 USD
评分: 4.7 分
18 评价








Country Logo  美国
Verizon 5G
T-Mobile 5G
  • 固定流量: 一定时间范围内的有限的数据使用量。
  • 每日计划(有限制): 每日无限流量,但超过高速数据上限后会被降速至2G速度,介于 255 Kbps 和 512 Kbps 之间,高速数据限额将每天午间被重置。
  • 每日重置(固定流量): 每日固定高速流量使用完就不可再使用。
  • 每日无限使用: 完全无限制的每日高速流量使用。
  • 安装方式: 扫描二维码或者手动输入激活码
  • 兼容设备: 请点击以下链接查看您的 智能手机是否兼容 eSIM卡
  • 交付时间: 一般情况下,购买后会在2~10分钟内通过邮件发送至您预留的Eamil地址,若长时间未收到eSIM二维码邮件,请联系我们的支持团队 [email protected]

美国,这个充满活力与创新的国家,以其多元的文化、壮丽的自然景观和先进的科技而闻名于世。从纽约的摩天大楼到洛杉矶的电影梦工厂,从大峡谷的壮丽景色到黄石公园的自然奇观,美国的每一处都散发着独特的魅力。在这里,您可以体验到现代都市的繁华与活力,也可以感受到大自然的宁静与美丽。借助 Seek Esim 的 美国500MB/天,您可以在探索这个充满魅力的国家时,随时与世界分享您的所见所感,让每一次旅行都成为难忘的记忆。


eSIM 是什么?

eSIM 是一种嵌入式的电子SIM卡,它属于虚拟数字卡,它允许用户随时随地远程激活电信运营商的蜂窝数据而无需使用实体SIM卡,这种微型芯片可以直接嵌入到您的任何电子设备中,比如智能手机、平板电脑、智能手表或智能汽车;eSIM 可以说是一项新兴科技,这一项技术最早是由苹果公司于2011年提出的,现如今已被日本、韩国、美国等先进国家广泛使用。它与传统的SIM卡不同,简单来说,eSIM是一个数据文件,可通过网络下载到移动终端。功能上和普通SIM卡无异,有了它,各种电子产品就能连接上网、接播电话、发短信等。并且eSIM可以存储多个配置文件,也就是说,通过eSIM,一部手机可以同时安装多个电话号码(1~20个),可以无缝切换不同的网络提供商。具体详细解释,可查阅:百度百科eSIM卡。




1. 检查您设备的 eSIM 兼容性

2. 购买您的 eSIM 套餐计划

3. 安装 eSIM

4. 激活使用 eSIM

为什么选择 Seek eSIM?

Seek Esim 智能通信为每一位出行的人提供了更快速、便捷、经济实惠的 eSIM 数据流量服务以及丰富的数字产品。与其他 eSIM 服务商相比,Seek eSIM 以其遍布全球的覆盖范围、人性化的套餐选择和亲民的价格脱颖而出。Seek eSIM 安装激活步骤简单,多语言真人客服全年在线提供支持,确保您在旅途中可以享受到自由、快速、稳定的网络连接。Seek Esim — 超越通信,让数字服务触手可及!


Seek eSIM 让您在旅途中尽享实惠稳定、畅通无阻的网络

美国 eSIM卡 常见问题解答



我的 Seek eSIM卡 会被降低网速吗?

如何选择 eSIM卡 的网络配套?


如果我不小心删除或找不到 eSIM卡 的二维码,该怎么办?


Seek eSIM卡 的网速有多快?

我可以保留我的 WhatsApp 号码吗?

我什么时候会收到我的 eSIM 套餐计划?

哪些设备可以使用 eSIM卡?

我可以使用 Seek eSIM卡 拨打电话和发送短信吗?


Seek Esim 是我的最佳选择吗?



我可以同时使用我的实体 SIM卡 和 Seek eSIM卡 吗?

如果我用完了我的 Seek eSIM卡 配套,我可以删除它吗?



我应该在什么时候安装我的 eSIM卡?


我可以更新或延长使用 eSIM卡 的数据流量吗?


计划出现变动?这算不了什么!选择 Seek Esim,您尽可放心。立即购买,还能享受6个月的退款保障。若是想要更改主意,也完全不必担忧,一切轻松简单。


SeekEsim 提供了一个无与伦比的解决方案,让您无论身在何处都能享受到最佳的本地连接。这意味着,无论您的旅行将您带到哪里,您都可以依赖SeekEsim来保持连接,使用所有您喜爱的应用程序,保持生产力和娱乐性,无需担心网络兼容性或漫游费用。SeekEsim,让您的数字生活更加自由、灵活、健康。

------ 可持续发展 ------


旅行时带上 Seek Esim,可彻底告别塑料制品:使用eSIM卡,可以减少实体 SIM卡 在生产、包装和分发过程中对环境和身体健康造成的负面影响。


  • Turnera

    Aug 25

    哈哈,这Seek eSIM简直是旅行界的‘救星’啊!去美国的时候,我本来还在愁怎么解决网络问题,结果它一出现,就把我的烦恼全给‘秒’了。网速快得跟兔子似的,价格还跟白菜一样亲民。而且买数据包贼方便,想用多少买多少,再也不用担心被‘流量小偷’偷走了。有了它,我在美国玩得那叫一个嗨,随时随地都能刷刷刷,朋友们都说我这是‘网络自由人’,哈哈,强烈安利给大家!

  • Williamst

    Mar 03

    The eSIM card is great, and the international data package is powerful. Thumbs up!

  • Johnsonyn

    Feb 16

    Seek eSIM international data provides worry - free after - sales service. If you encounter any problems, simply report them with one click, and we'll resolve them quickly, ensuring your peace of mind abroad.

  • Smithv

    Feb 19

    Seek eSIM is stress-free and effortless. No more searching for local SIM cards. Set up in advance, use directly when traveling, super stable signal!

  • Turnermvk

    Jan 14

    Seek eSIM removes communication barriers when traveling! Activate in advance and use it directly. With full signal, fast internet, and cost-effective plans, staying in touch is easy. Highly recommended!

  • Youngejr

    May 15

    Seek eSIM is the super choice for international communication! No card changes, stable signal, fast internet, and affordable plans. It's easy to stay connected and manage travel plans. Highly recommended!

  • Thomasyah

    Sep 24

    The Seek eSIM international data is amazing. The internet speed is incredibly fast and stable. I didn't have to worry about any network drop - outs. It was a great experience.

  • fhl

    Sep 05

    Seek eSIM is a little surprise in my travels. Stable signal, fast internet, no need to change cards, easy to stay connected abroad!

  • penukbk

    Jul 19

    我热爱极限运动,经常去世界各地挑战自我。Seek eSIM的高速网络让我在进行极限运动时也能保持与外界的联系。无论是在尼泊尔的高山,还是在新西兰的峡谷,Seek eSIM都能提供稳定的网络,让我能随时分享挑战的瞬间。而且,它的数据管理功能非常智能,让我能合理安排数据使用,确保不会超出预算。Seek eSIM,让我的极限运动之旅更加刺激!

  • xxcp

    Feb 01

    Compared with several international data services, Seek eSIM is definitely the king of cost-performance! The network is stable, the data is sufficient, and the price is cheap. It's much better than other services that have slow networks and expensive roaming fees!

  • kjcrjyd

    Sep 03

    Dude, if you're traveling to the US, you gotta use Seek eSIM! The network is fast, the data is enough, and the price is affordable. It's definitely worth it!

  • qafa

    Jul 06

    Seek eSIM, you are the most thoughtful companion on my trip to the US. With you, I could enjoy the journey without any worries about the network. Thank you!

  • pdvnvioq

    Jun 11

    Seek eSIM, you guys are amazing! Your network in the US is as stable as can be, the data package is super generous, and the prices are incredibly reasonable. I'm truly impressed!

  • Youngoou

    Aug 21

    Every time I recall my days in the US, I think of the convenience Seek eSIM brought me. It made my trip perfect, and it warms my heart.

  • Turnera

    Mar 16

    Seek eSIM, you are like my 'network guardian' in the US, always ensuring my network connection is smooth and secure.

  • hkvohod

    Sep 12

    As soon as I arrived in the US, I activated Seek eSIM's data package. I could connect to the internet smoothly at the airport to check flight information and contact friends. During the usage, the network signal was always very stable. Whether I was in bustling New York City or in a relatively remote rural town, I could maintain a good network connection. Moreover, the data was sufficient. I took photos, made videos, and shared them on social media platforms throughout the trip without any worries about running out of data. The price was also very reasonable. Compared to other international roaming services, the cost-performance ratio is extremely high. The customer service was also very good. Once I encountered a small problem, after contacting them, it was solved quickly.

  • Ramirezopq

    Nov 13

    Compared with other international roaming services I used before, Seek eSIM is much more satisfactory. The network coverage is extensive, the signal is strong, and the data package options are diverse. The price is also very reasonable. Unlike some services where the network is unstable and there's always a worry about running out of data, Seek eSIM has none of these problems!

  • Torresc

    Jul 09

    I remember when I first arrived in the US, I was really worried about the network issue, but Seek eSIM solved all my problems. In New York, I used it to look up travel guides and find restaurants; in the Grand Canyon, I used it to video call my family and share the beautiful scenery. Throughout the trip, the network never let me down. Seek eSIM is really a great travel helper!
